Coming Soon: A Closer Look at Our New Settings Menu

As we recently announced on our What’s New page and blog, we’ve been working on an exciting update that will streamline the menu system and help you optimize your time spent in Issuetrak. As our Development Team continues to finalize the changes, we’ll be bringing you closer looks at some of the new features of this update -- starting with an in-depth examination of our all-new Settings Menu!
Static Left Menu
Today, accessing the administrative settings of Issuetrak will result in the left menu being replaced with new options. The only way to see what those previous options were is to hover over the “Home” link in the top navigation bar or to leave the administrative settings altogether.
In the new layout, all administrative settings can be accessed by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Rather than replace the left menu, the settings will appear in a lightbox window in the center of your screen. And to ensure you don't lose your current place in case you change your mind and don't access any particular settings, we don't take you away from your current position in Issuetrak until you choose to.
Settings Visibility
One of our main goals in creating this new navigation system is to afford users more visibility into what Issuetrak is capable of accomplishing. In this update, users will have the ability to see many of the Issuetrak features in the Settings Menu even if the feature is not turned on or available.
- If a feature is enabled and the user has permission to access the link, the text will simply be a link
- If a feature is enabled and the user does not have permission to access the link, the text will be greyed out and italicized and will not be linked
- If a feature is disabled and the user has permission to enable it, the text will be an italicized link (this link will bring you to the location in the product where the feature can be enabled)
- If a feature is disabled and the user does not have permission to enable it, the text will be grayed out and will not be linked
If a user does not have permission to view any of the settings in the menu, the menu itself will be unavailable.
Intuitive Layout
We’ve reorganized the location of some of the settings so that navigating the menu is more straightforward and intuitive. For example, in the screenshot above, we’ve grouped all of our email features in one place instead of nesting them under separate categories.
Settings Search Box
The new menu has a dedicated search box that will highlight searched words and phrases for quick reference. (Note that this search box will not search the whole site -- just the Settings Menu!)
Menu Resizing
The menu is responsive to your resolution and window size and will resize and reconfigure its text accordingly.
Stay tuned for more early looks at this upcoming release in the next few weeks, and get ready for the big update coming in spring 2021! We can’t wait to share what our team has been working on with you.
If you have any questions, reach out to your Account Manager for details! We’re always happy to help.

Topics from this blog: Updates