Traktip: Using Tasks for Branching Workflows

Ready for another Traktip? 

Are you using Tasks for more than just a simple checklist?  If not, keep reading!

In the next two Traktips, we’ll give you pointers on using the Task Manager to enhance your workflows:

  • Part 1: Creating branching workflows
  • Part 2: Updating issues using task responses

First up – Branching Workflows 

Branching workflows dynamically modify your process based on how you respond to a Yes/No/NA task. Depending on your answer, other tasks can be populated to the issue, extending or changing the path of the existing process.

It all works using Task Groups triggered from a Yes/No/NA task. Task groups define each step as a separate task, with multiple steps tied together. A task group can have one task or several.

The key is to have your task groups defined ahead of time. You can only set up a Yes/No/NA to trigger a task group that already exists.

Here’s what you want to do to define your workflow branching:

  1. When working with the Task Manager, go to the fourth line of the task setup where it asks for Task Type.
  2. There are two radio buttons: Complete and Yes/No/NA. Select the Yes/No/NA option.
  3. Three additional lines will be displayed. Here you can define the action you want Issuetrak to take on each of the three task outcomes: Yes, No, or NA. Note the first dropdown option: Add Task Group. This is where you set which task group populates the issue based on the Yes/No/NA answer.

Using Yes/No/NA tasks unlocks powerful automation features within your Issuetrak system. Relatively simple processes that use “complete” type tasks work perfectly in many cases. However, if you need more dynamic workflows, then switch to Yes/No/NA tasks and let your processes adapt to the issue needs.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to see this in action via a quick demo, please contact your account manager, Technical Support, or if you're not yet a customer, please request to speak with our Product Experts

Topics from this blog: Traktips
